Before know about Linux, its advantages and its types one have to know what is operating system or kernel. Operating system or kernel is a program stored inside each computer or laptop which helps in fundamental functions like connecting the hardware with the software. That means to work on the computer it must have any operating system or kernel. Nowadays you may be familiar with the OS like window, Apple etc. This Linux assignment help one to know about OS Linux, its advantages and types of Linux.
What is Linux?
Linux is one of the operating systems which mainly used for businesses, computer server etc. Different types of Linux are used in different platform. Google’s Android OS, and Chrome OS are also based on Linux. It is an open sourced licensed OS.

Image source: unixmen
History of Linux
Linux was created in 1991 by a computer science student named Linus Torvalds. At first he just wanted to improve the Unix OS on which he was working on. Due to licence issues and permission from the Unix OS designers he thought of launching his own OS. Hence in 1991 with the help of other programmers he launched the new OS called Linux. Gradually it became the most used OS in today’s world. From the help with Linux OS one can create their own modified OS.
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